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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone

Merry Christmas guysMore blesings to come for you and everyone in the world (especially in the gaming world lol)and also enjoy the long Christmas vacation, see you next year since I'm all busy opening all my presents...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

When Eastern Anime and Western Cartoons Mix

Imagine when Anime for the east get mixed up with cartoons of the west, what would be the outcome?It's gonna be one weird What-If scenario, so let's beginImagine when the famous Death Note anime series becomes a cartoon show (meaning it have the cartoonish artwork) in America, and we'll use The Simpsons art style, curious on how it looks like? just take a look at the picture belowNow this is the biggest LOL moment ever...Now what if it goes the other way, instead of the Death Note going the Simpons...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wow I've been blogspotted... part 3

Wow this must be my lucky year,three times that I've been blogspotted by Granado Espada SEA /ANZFirst was my player's guide to conventions and events that was published last Aprilhttp://reimarufiles.blogspot.com/2008/04/holy-smokes-batman-ive-been-blogspotted.htmlSecond was for my article about the Olympic costume of Granado Espada China (CGE) last Augusthttp://reimarufiles.blogspot.com/2008/08/wow-ive-been-blogspottedpart-2.htmland for my third blogspot award, I made an article about the aftermath...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Draw a Character: The Square-Enix Way

While surfing the net, I found this funny tutorial from checkyourhud.com on how Square-Enix, the creators of Final Fantasy and Star Ocean create their characters and also how you can design your own characters, the Square-Enix wayClick for larger vers...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Your Own Dream Match: Video Game Crossovers

If you were given a chance to pick characters for your dream match, who would it be? you know what I mean, picking two of your favorite comics, anime, movie or video game characters to duke it out to the death to see who's the best of the bestWell all of us have our own wish list of dream matches, from the simple to the exaggerating matches, then we asked ourselves; when will we ever see this kind of matches?Thank God for video games, they make the best things possiblenow we can relive all of our...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The GE ph Community Outing Aftermath

Last monday, December 1,2008 at the Redbox in Trinoma held the GE ph Community Outing which was organize by Artaxerxes and Blacksword (yours truly)orginally the usual gathering was attend by the GE bloggers, but now cosplayers and ordinary GE gamers are now joining the outing*pictures courtesy of NineMoonsAll are serious in the discussionTo my surprise, a lot of players really showed up for the Community Outing, this proves that there are still a lot of GE players in the Philippines.And for the...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Confirmed Attendants for The Community Outing

Below is the list of Players that will attend The GE ph Community Outing on December 1, 2008 1:00pm at Redbox in TrinomaRembrandt ServerClairemontColburnEldeonRoseFiksdotterFlihightGrabaisoKincaidMitchinNineMoonsOrneilyPatronumRossoRiyokoSerpentesSigridxBayushiYouAndMeiBach ServerCreusetLaFlagaCrymetimeDyosabelleKulangotLinkShotLordArellanoMonfraigneneedblablaOfAndreusPanfiliciousRiskbearerWaxMurdererWellingXfor those who are listedplease contact us on the following numbers:Blacksword: 09184481921Artaxerxes: 09279960886See you all in the Community Out...

Friday, November 28, 2008

GE ph Community Meeting

hey guyswe'll be holding a GE ph community meeting on December 1, 2008 at Trinoma (exact place TBA)we'll be inviting the GE cosplayers , bloggers and gamers to join the said meetingwe'll also try to invite CM Aethrin and some of the GMsthis'll be the chance that we can discuss on the plans for the GE calendar and also on other future plans for GEfor more details, you can contact us on our YM accountsReimaru: blacksword_45@yahoo.comArtaxerxes: flashfir3_0xox0@yahoo.comor you can contact us in-game...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Time for a Title Change

The Community Crew guys held a forum event a few weeks ago (23rd October 2008 - 6th November 2008) for a new forum titlethe winner will recieve an Item of the Month and his/her very own unique forum titlemany joined the contest, including mebelow is my suggested title names0 Posts - Cadet of the New World10 Posts - New Recruit50 Posts - Pioneer Settler100 Posts - Town Guard250 Posts - Monster Slayer500 Posts - Dungeon Raider750 Posts - Treasure Hunter1,000 Posts - Veteran Pioneer1,500 Posts - The...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Giant Controllers!!!

Ahhh gotta love those classic controllers, those simple curve design, those two or sometimes four buttons just for playing those timeless classic gamesand now some players are making their own controllers, and the difference is....it's gotten alot bigger than beforeif I mean bigger....I really mean BIGGERjust check out this SNES controller from coolest-gadgets.comAs their tribute to Nintendo's greatest gaming console, they decided to create a giant-sized controller, and the best of all, it works...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome to the new Reimaru Files

Greetings!!!before anything else, I would like to thank everyone for visiting and enjoying my blog for this past year.Nope, I'm not gonna quit bloggingBut yes, I may be quitting Granado Espada early next yearbut fret not, I'll still be making some features and updates on GEand best of all, I'm now posting more on gaming and not just on GEI've been itching to post something interesting on other games, but since my blog is a GE fanblog, It have to be more on GE generally.Now I'm about to leave the GE world in a few weeks (well of course I need to promote my main team to expert rank first before I formally retire), I can now focus more on games outside GENew articlesNew games to tryand New layout ^_^so stay tuned for more better and more wider coverage of the gaming world and some crappy to awesome...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Granado Espada featured in a School Publication

Last Saturday, November 15,2008, while grinding my main team to expert, one of my classmate just told me that Granado Espada was featured in latest issue of The Cursor, the official student publication of FEU-East Asia College (which is my school)After that, I managed to grab a copy from our school to check it out,it turns out that the writer played in the US version of GE (which is Sword of The New World)where he also mentioned in the article, there is also some corrections in the said article.K2...

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Ups and Downs of Granado Espada

After the release of Granado Espada V2.9there are many things that causes some violent responses in the sudden change on the gameone of them is the removal of the 15 days and 30 days Combat Manual (which gives players +25%, 50% and 100% experience points increase) and left only the one day Combat Manualand even the Pioneer Kits which includes the 15/30 days CMs was also removed from the Item Mallnow many players complain because of the sudden removal since it's very expensive to buy a single day CMs than buying the 15/30 days CMsand because of this, many complain threads are sprouting in the GE forums, and now the admins have posted their reason on the removal of the CM *Thread posted by Mordial linkOriginally Posted by Kaioujin Let me clarify some misunderstandings.SoTNW has...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Turning One Year

All I can say is wowReimaru Files is almost one year in a few days(November 28 that is ^_^)I'd like to thank all the fellow GE gamers and bloggers who supported my blog and made this blog what it is right now.and also stay tuned for a big change in Reimaru Files, you'll gonna love it ...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Art of AFK

I know that playing a game for very long period of time can be very tiring especially in MMOs where you have to grind grind grind for eternity till you reach the highest level or obtain the rarest weapon.But some games like Granado Espada can let players grind their characters without having to control them all the time.Cat on guardThis is what we call "AFK gaming"AFK is the acronym for Away from Keyboard where in gaming the player is letting his/her game unattended for a period of time and then...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Guess the game from the sound effect

The folks at Games Radar has a really cool post on their siteGuess the game from the sound effectIf your a long time gamer since the NES days, you'll probably recognize some of these iconic sound effectsso let's see how many sound effects can you recognizeenjoy ^^*Requires Quick Time Player to play the sound cl...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Expert Stance Videos

Finally some videos for the new Expert Stance for the Granado Espada V3.0original sourceRapiere StanceFlintlock StanceElquites StanceHanging Guard StanceArbalester Stance (Calyce's Veteran Stan...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Character Name Generator

Are you running out of ideas of new names for your newly created character?Or are you just tired of your same old character name and you just wanna change it, and still can't think of something cool for a character name.Well fret not, coz here's a site that you'll help you in creating some cool and somewhat wierd character namesseventhsanctum.comMain PageIn seventh sanctum, you can generate different kinds of character namesfrom evil names to superhero names to techno fantasy names and also pet...

GE on mobile

Online game publisher IP E-Game Ventures Inc (e-Games), mobile application developer Megamobile and 3D animation studio BeeHive digital launched new java mobile games in the Philippines.The mobile games are based on two of E-Games popular MMORPGs, and one of them is Granado Espada.Full details here.Granado Espada will have 3 mobiles games namely Little Red Riding Elementalist, Musketeer’s Wrath and GE Girls’ Fight. These games are exclusive only in the Philippine market.As of this time, there's still no news on where to download the mobile ga...

Monday, September 29, 2008

The GE Black Party Aftermath

Granado Espada celebrated its first year anniversary last Saturday, Sept. 27,2008 at the SMX convention.and the cool part is that all GE players that attended wore black t-shirts as their way of celebrating the GE Anniversary Black Party.All players from different servers meet and greet at the said eventand also some cool activities and prizes were given awaypics courtesy of ninemoonsCovenant Faction 1st picleft to right (top): Chillawtz, Mosquete, Blacksword, Ninemoons(bottom): deathfangs, dinsly,...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The GE Black Party

Hurray for GEOriginal Post hereOnline Activities MechanicsGE Tournament Clash of the Pioneers3 versus 3Mechanics:Server: Internal Test Server All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open for the test server only.Each team will consist of 3 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.Players from each team will be using the pre-made accounts set by the Game Facilitators....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gate Keeper Down @ Carracci + Chaos Requiem Info

At around 4pm last Saturday,September 13, The Gate Keeper that's residing at the Underground Cave in Bahamas has finally been taken down in Carracci Server.The person who took the last blow on the Gate Keeper was no other than Nostradamus, Faction Leader of the Eminence Faction. Along with the members of Eminence, they defeated the Gate Keeper in around 20 minutes with 3 squads.pics taken from dar3n's threadIf you're wondering how strong the Gate Keeper is, my factionmate dinsly manage to take a...