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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome to the new Reimaru Files


before anything else, I would like to thank everyone for visiting and enjoying my blog for this past year.

Nope, I'm not gonna quit blogging
But yes, I may be quitting Granado Espada early next year
but fret not, I'll still be making some features and updates on GE
and best of all, I'm now posting more on gaming and not just on GE

I've been itching to post something interesting on other games, but since my blog is a GE fanblog, It have to be more on GE generally.

Now I'm about to leave the GE world in a few weeks (well of course I need to promote my main team to expert rank first before I formally retire), I can now focus more on games outside GE

New articles
New games to try
and New layout ^_^

so stay tuned for more better and more wider coverage of the gaming world and some crappy to awesome stuff in the internet and the real world

right here in the Reimaru Files...Files straight form an avid gamer