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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Engrish 101

If you've been watching japanese shows especially animes, you would notice how different they speak or use english.For us it sounds funny, but for the sushi eating fellas it's sounds cool for them ^^ and so the word engrish is born

Engrish refers to grammatically incorrect variations of English, often found in East Asian countries.Engrish has been found on everything from poorly translated signs, menus, and instruction manuals to bizarrely worded advertisements and strange t-shirt slogans.Usage of the term ranges from the humorous to the slightly pejorative.

The term originates from the fact that Japanese (as well as several other East Asian languages) does not have separate sounds for R and L. In Japanese the R sound is pronounced as an alveolar lateral flap (ɺ), articulated with the tongue flapped against the hard palate behind the front teeth, so that it sounds like a Spanish soft R. Because Japanese does not have a separate equivalent for the English L, native Japanese speakers not fluent in English often mispronounce English words containing the letter L.

Some TV programs make Engrish one of the humorous attractions, such as Banzai and The Simpsons. Some words heard in these shows are exaggerated Engrish such as kukuru for cook, sumirunurofuru for Smirnoff Vodka, and "Misuta Supakoru" which is Mister Sparkle, a fictitious brand of detergent.

Engrish features prominently in Japanese pop culture, as some young Japanese people consider the English language to be highly fashionable. Japanese has assimilated a great deal of vocabulary from the English language, and many popular Japanese songs and television themes feature disjointed phrases in English amongst the mostly Japanese lyrics. Japanese marketing firms helped to create this popularity, and have subsequently created an enormous array of advertisements, products, and clothing marked with English phrases that seem highly amusing or inexplicably bizarre to those proficient in English. These new English terms are generally short-lived, as they are used more fashionably than meaningfully. Many times English is just used in advertising or on products as an attempt to look modern and is not actually an attempt to communicate.

well here are more pics with engrish ^^

sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engrish
