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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Announced

Final Fantasy fans will surely rejoice with the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII-2, a direct sequel to the thirteenth installment to the mega giant game franchise Final Fantasy XIII. FF XIII-2 will be release on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and is scheduled next winter.

There were no details on the timeline of the story, but Square-Enix mentioned that this will be the true sequel for the original game, they also confirmed that Lightning will still be the protagonist on FFXIII-2 with a brand new story and a "much evolved" battle system.

Before the announcement, there were already rumors that a sequel to Final Fantasy XIII was already planned when the FinalFantasy13-2Game.com domain name was registered last week.

This will be the fourth Final Fantasy to have a direct sequel which includes Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Final Fantasy IV: After Years

You can check the official or rather teaser site of Final Fantasy XIII-2:
