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Friday, January 9, 2009

Famous Lines and Spoilers

I know you guys are excited to watch the upcoming movies the my friend Sigird featured on her blog.
While we wait till those films arrive in our theaters near you, let's relax and remember some of best movies and best memorable scenes.

Of course nothing beats making a video montage of your movies, luckily, some fellow by the name of Matt Belinkie created a video of some of the best movies and managed to create one amazing speech out of it, and he called it; 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes. Just watch this video and enjoy.

Another video from thefinebrothers.com created something more different, they'll tell the spoilers of 100 movies in around five minutes

Well, hope you guys enjoyed on these videos, Hope to see you again next time for more cool stuffs...
