It's been months since I left Granado Espada, although I already moved on to a better path, I still miss the good old GE days. But if it wasn't for GE, I won't be able to meet great friends and to experience one of the great MMOs.I've played Granado Espada for 2 years since April 2007 and started Reimaru Files on late November of 2007 and so far it was all worth the days. From the 2 years, I've become a game mentor, a game blogger and then a community crew for Granado Espada and it was a great experience.So for this post, I would like to thank all the people who've become part of this great epic, people who I was able to share in this fantastic experience during my Granado Espada days and up until today.and Reimaru Files will still continue to grow even after leaving GE, but will still remember...