Tuesday, June 17, 2008
New Trailer for Granado Espada
At last! the trailer for the upcoming V2.6 expansion "The Requiem" is finally here...check out the trailer...you can also check the trailer on the official website of GEIf this trailer can only be aired on Philippine Free TV like they did in Cabal...it would be so cool...
Friday, June 13, 2008
What If Special Part 2
Welcome back, last week I featured about what if GE has a brand new gameplay feature.Now for the 2nd part of the GE Special, It's all about RNPCs, yes folks we're going to ask ourselves, what if GE has this brand new RNPC that's gonna give us another twist to our game.I also remeber that Miss Hrin once started a thread a year ago about our GE will have its very own RNPC and players will their suggestion on what would the RNPC's appearance and skills.Also, Sigrid posted her own RNPC which can be...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Abusing your Power

a few hours ago, an incident just occurred in Carracci,a player was banned for broadcasting his complains regarding how e-games promote GE in thier area.these are the words the player broadcasted to the game:broad no.1 : "pwede bang ayusin yun card at poster dito sa region 12"translation: can you please fix the card and poster (distribution) here in region 2broad no.2 : "Pwede ayusin yun Cards and Poster sa South Cotabato?"translation: Please fix the Cards and Poster(distribution) in South Cotabato?broad...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Players Guide in Finding a Suitable I-Cafe to Play
Summer time is over and it's time to go back to school...I know some of you guys and gals are moving to your next step in life, as freshmen in collegeNew school, new friends, new interesting things to discover and of course... a new place to play GE (but be sure you play during break times or after school ^^)to help guys in finding a suitable place to play you favorite MMORPGhere are some tips and tricks to help you find your gaming "tambayan"1.) Find an I-Cafe that is easily accessible, meaning finding a spot where it is near a school, Mall, and public transport so you won't having trouble going to the Cafe.2.) Check if the area has a low crime rate, this is to ensure your safety from snatchers and muggers inside and outside the I-Cafe. and also check if the Cafe has any security guards.3.)...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
What If Special Part 1
Hello again everyone, although the next patch, V2.5 will delayed for quite some time.I decided to kill some time by cooking up some ideas...like what if Granado Espada has this kind of blah blah...so the What If Special is born.this idea was inspired from the What If Comics from Marvel, for more info about the comic, you can visit this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_If_(comics)the four part special will be posted every week of June(Warning: the following feature is only fictional, this...