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Sunday, June 6, 2010

8-Bit Music Goodness

If you were born in the 80's heck even in the early 90's, you probably got the chance to play a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) or also called the Family Computer (Famicom), you would recognized the classic tunes that 8-bit gaming would created, which we now called 8-bit music.

Some people still creates 8-bit musics either as an original score or sometimes, remixes of popular songs with a use of a home made synthesizers or sometimes from program softwares in computers.

Now combine this with your favorite Anime songs and it'll feel like a classic game being immortalize, so let's hear some notable and popular Anime songs turned into 8-bit music.

Naruto - Haruka Kanata

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Sorairo Days

Original version

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Cruel Angels Thesis

Original version

Full Metal Alchemist - Ready Steady Go

Original version

The Melancholy of Harumi Suzumiya - Hare Hare Yukai

Original version

K-On! - Fuwa Fuwa Time

Original version

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