Ahh it's April 1 already, and it's time for pranks and more pranks, well because it's April Fools Day.
People all over the world are celebrating this tradition by making crazy pranks, and even on the internet, one example is on the social network site Facebook. Yes, you might be seeing some shocking status updates from your friends in Facebook like getting engaged or pregnant or maybe something stupid like getting arrested or something, and if you're one of the victims of making comments about their message, then the joke's on you.
But aside from the social network sites, the world of gaming is also keeping the tradition.
Blizzard, the famous creator of hits like World of Warcraft and Starcraft, usually post bizarre and crazy news of updates and announcements which were never real but managed to fool people to think they are really real news, one example would be this April Fools news
Electronic Gaming Monthly, one of the top gaming magazines, was also famous for their April Fools Jokes, and it start on 1991, for more info on the list of their April Fools jokes, you view the list here.
And finally IGN, created one of the best April Fools joke ever, by making a trailer of a Legend of Zelda movie, which wasn't of course real, but because of the impressive effects and acting on the trailer, making people believe that it was a real movie.
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