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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Faces: Lunar Silver Star songs

For this episode of Faces, we'll be focusing on the different versions of Lunar Silver Star, but for this case, it's more on the songs.

The first Lunar Silver Star was released on 1993 on the Sega CD under the name Lunar The Silver Star, then a remake for the PlayStation and Sega Saturn entitled Lunar Silver Star Story Complete was released on 1998, a portable remake for the GameBoy Advance (Lunar Legend) in 2001 and another remake was followed on 2009 this time for the PlayStation Portable with the title Lunar Silver Star Harmony (Harmony of Silver Star in Japan)

There were two songs with vocals in the two remakes and one for the original version. The two songs were Wings (Opening song) and Nocturne of the Wind (the Boat song), the original version has a different song and it was removed from the remake versions.

Ironically, Jenny Stigile, sang both the songs of the two remakes, but the two remakes had different lyrics both the opening and the boat songs. The Japanese version still retains the PSone version songs on the PSP version.

For my personal take, I like the PSone version of Wings and the PSP version for Nocturne of the Wind.

To find out more, you can check out the songs from the different versions of Lunar Silver Star:



Japanese version
Click here

PlayStation version


Japanese version
Click here

Nocturne of Wind

Japanese version
Click here

PlayStation Portable version


Nocturne of Wind

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