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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Epic LOL on Level up! Games forums

I dunno if the admins of Level Up! Games' forums are sleeping or don;t even exist, but getting personal message from anonymous persons and sending you sites that are infected with trojan virus is really ticking me off

This is the only gaming forum that I only receive this kind of anonymous messages, well it's okay if I receive only once, but receiving 3 same messages...wow
may be I should wait for a fourth one next month LOL

This means that somebody is hacking into the forums database (since I was inactive on that forum since January 2009) and what the hell is LUG doing about it

I don't even know if I'm the only person receiving this, but I guess the admins there don't have any idea about it or maybe they're just sleeping....

Epic LOL indeed



Yep! I get those messages too, they are damn annoying!

akala ko kung ano eh

-Nico Stiles

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