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Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Art of AFK

I know that playing a game for very long period of time can be very tiring especially in MMOs where you have to grind grind grind for eternity till you reach the highest level or obtain the rarest weapon.But some games like Granado Espada can let players grind their characters without having to control them all the time.Cat on guardThis is what we call "AFK gaming"AFK is the acronym for Away from Keyboard where in gaming the player is letting his/her game unattended for a period of time and then...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Guess the game from the sound effect

The folks at Games Radar has a really cool post on their siteGuess the game from the sound effectIf your a long time gamer since the NES days, you'll probably recognize some of these iconic sound effectsso let's see how many sound effects can you recognizeenjoy ^^*Requires Quick Time Player to play the sound cl...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Expert Stance Videos

Finally some videos for the new Expert Stance for the Granado Espada V3.0original sourceRapiere StanceFlintlock StanceElquites StanceHanging Guard StanceArbalester Stance (Calyce's Veteran Stan...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Character Name Generator

Are you running out of ideas of new names for your newly created character?Or are you just tired of your same old character name and you just wanna change it, and still can't think of something cool for a character name.Well fret not, coz here's a site that you'll help you in creating some cool and somewhat wierd character namesseventhsanctum.comMain PageIn seventh sanctum, you can generate different kinds of character namesfrom evil names to superhero names to techno fantasy names and also pet...

GE on mobile

Online game publisher IP E-Game Ventures Inc (e-Games), mobile application developer Megamobile and 3D animation studio BeeHive digital launched new java mobile games in the Philippines.The mobile games are based on two of E-Games popular MMORPGs, and one of them is Granado Espada.Full details here.Granado Espada will have 3 mobiles games namely Little Red Riding Elementalist, Musketeer’s Wrath and GE Girls’ Fight. These games are exclusive only in the Philippine market.As of this time, there's still no news on where to download the mobile ga...