But before he created Granado Espada, in 2000,Hakkyu Kim also developed a popular MMORPG that also became Koreas's most successful online game: and that is Ragnarok Online.
But sometimes, some companies and game developers left icons or features from their old games to new games so people can remember some of the famous games that the creator or the company have developed or give it a nostalgic feeling, some examples are Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy,Warcraft and the list goes on. So how about Granado Espada and Ragnarok Online? I conducted some research, and this is what I have discovered.
Some of the shortcuts of GE and RO are almost the same:
alt+e will bring up the inventory
alt+o for the options window
alt+s for the skill window
but there are some shortcuts that are the same but have different functions
alt+q for GE brings up the quit menu, for RO it brings up the equipment menu
alt+a for GE opens the quest window while for RO it opens the stats window
alt+x for GE opens the pose menu whle for RO it opens the quit menu
Aside from the alt shortcuts, the inventory window of both games are almost the same
There are also items of RO and GE that have similar features although they have different name or appearance
one example is the exp manuals
another item is the Mystic Spinelle(GE)/Dead Branch(RO)
they both summon a random monster that will attack any player, but some Spinelles of GE that can summon specific monsters depending on the Spinelle's name or the Amber which summons a monster but will aid you in battle instead of attacking youNext is the Bellem's Box(GE) and Old Blue Box(RO)
in GE, there are different boxes aside from the Bellem's Box that also give random items, like the Andre Box which gives a random costume, Karja's Vanity Box which gives a random head or back costume and the Glasses Box which gives a random Glasses costume
While in RO, there's another Box called Old Purple Box where it is similar to OBB but has better drops.
Aside from items, some features are also similar like the Provoke Skill, the casting meter and the flashing of skill names
The Provoke Skill (Note: both games have two exclamation mark on their skill names)
As you can see, the Provoke Skill of both games are similar, from the skill name to the skill ability
One of famous towns in both GE and RO also have the similarites:
Cite de Reboldeux(GE) and Prontera(RO)
And of course, some monsters in GE have similarities to the monsters of RO
some examples are:
Helena(GE) and Alice(RO)
Alligator(RO) and Crocodile(GE)
the Kafra of RO and the merchant NPCs of GE may have different functions, but they do look a like
Vicente Rio of GE have similar skills and abilities that of the Bard job in RO, and not to mention the weapon they both are using.
This similarities may be coincidental or intentional, but one thing is for sure, Mr. Hakkyu Kim
just made two great online games for us to enjoy ^^
credits to Kurse and Zangief of Covenant Faction for the GE and RO in game pics